What a hectic month it was!
Thanks to everybody for coming out to see My Handsome Men and I.. and of course a huge thank you to all bookers and promotors.
What a hectic month it was!
Thanks to everybody for coming out to see My Handsome Men and I.. and of course a huge thank you to all bookers and promotors.
I have been invited to perform at a special Elvis tribute in the Netherlands. Honored to be performing with...
Preparations are being made to record an Elvis tribute soon!
Meeting up with legendary Eddy de Clercq. Through the years, we have done so many great projects together. From...
I started method acting training: Refocus on acting by Tony Grahn: Creating total awareness, finding the tension in the...
Launch new website www.SueMoreno.com I am very happy it is finally here.. Our totally new website! Please browse around...
Being in touch and working together for a while, it was very satisfying putting our heads together with one...
Hope you all had a beautiful summer (or winter, depending on which part of the world you’re reading this!)...
Our Cole Porter set was fully appreciated at the Ferrari celebration. The dining show here with my trio Hans...
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